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You can make your Donations Using the button below 

How to make a donation

Step 1: click on the yelow  button 
step 2: fill in your details on the donation form and click on next
step 3: select your donation type (eg. tithes or Offering), choose prayer request if you have one.
step 4: Enter Amount then click on submit and your  payment will be processed.

World widows foundation

Foundation for widows and orphans: Is a program, connecting orphans, displaced individuals and families, handicapped and widows with a safe home, meals, education, micro businesses, through volunteers program. These are done through charities, sponsors, and individuals.
Donate to support the foundation

Apostolic women council Rebirth

These are women who make a difference. They are willing to bring forth a new generation like Sarah. Like Deborah, willing to step in war and govern. Rabah, in Jericho, willing to open the door. and Mary, willing to give her son to redeem the world.

Through its charity arm, it has successfully undertaken various projects with the aim of equipping, empowering, and positively impacting lives.

Support Us

You can touch a life today  by supporting our charity projects. clicking on the donation button 

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